Liste weiterer Kommandozeilentools
In dieser Rubrik werden verschiedene Kommandozeilentools aufgelistet, die sich ebenso in Batch-Dateien verwenden lassen. Es sind zumeist Portierungen bekannter Unix-Kommandozeilentools oder aber Freeware für Windows.
Alle genannten Programme gehören nicht(!) zum Umfang von MS Windows.
Beispiele: Bildgr�sse �ndern
Um ein Foto einer Digitalkamera f�r die Verwendung auf der Webseite aufzubereiten, werden in einem Unterverzeichnis "_pics4web" 2 Grafiken angelegt:- eine Grafik in 800x600 Pixel
- ein Thumbnail in 100x75 Pixel
nconvert -resize [Breite] [H�he] -q [Qualit�t] -i -rmeta -o [Ausgabedatei] [Original-Datei]Der nachfolgende Wrapper kann mit beliebig vielen zu konvertierenden jpg-Dateien als Parameter aufgerufen werden.
@echo off rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: :: wrapper for NCONVERT :: Axel Hahn - :: rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: V1.0 - 2001 :: V1.1 - 2003-05-29 extensions: creates 2 pics: webpictures and thumbnails :: V1.2 - 2004-02-16 extensions: added params "-i -rmeta" rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: CONFIG rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: directory path of NCONVERT set NCONVERT=e:\grafik\xnview\nconvert.exe :: name of subdirectory where the images will be created. :: no slashes, please - mkdir doesn't like it. set subdir=_pics4web :: parameters for NCONVERT (image size + quality + outputfile) :: set PARAMS1=-resize 800 600 -q 50 -o "%subdir%\800x600_%%.jpg" set PARAMS1=-resize 800 600 -q 50 -i -rmeta -o "%subdir%\%%.jpg" set PARAMS2=-resize 100 75 -q 50 -i -rmeta -o "%subdir%\index_%%.jpg" :: STOP - thats all to configure set LINE=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: before we start: some checks... rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- echo %LINE% echo create pictures 4 web - V1.2 echo %LINE% if exist %NCONVERT% goto CHECKPARAM goto ERROR01 :CHECKPARAM if "%1"=="" goto USAGE :CHECKINFILE if exist %1 goto COPY goto ERROR02 rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: let's go! rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :COPY echo -- creating directory "%subdir%" ... mkdir %subdir% >nul :: copy %1 %subdir% :: cd %subdir% echo -- converting with [%PARAMS1%] %NCONVERT% %PARAMS1% %1 echo -- converting with [%PARAMS2%] %NCONVERT% %PARAMS2% %1 echo %LINE% :: cd .. if "%2"=="" goto ENDE shift 1 goto CHECKINFILE :CONVERT :: cd %subdir% :: %NCONVERT% %PARAMS% *.* cd .. goto ENDE rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: errors rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :ERROR01 echo ERROR: echo The following executable was not found: echo %NCONVERT% echo Correct the path please - therefore edit the following file: echo "%0" goto USAGE :ERROR02 echo ERROR: The file "%1" was not found! goto USAGE :USAGE echo. echo SYNTAX: %0 [imagefile(s)] echo press any key... pause >nul exit 1 rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: the end of all rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :ENDE echo %0 was terminated. echo press any key... pause >nul echo %LINE% rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :: EOF rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------