Liste weiterer Kommandozeilentools
In dieser Rubrik werden verschiedene Kommandozeilentools aufgelistet, die sich ebenso in Batch-Dateien verwenden lassen. Es sind zumeist Portierungen bekannter Unix-Kommandozeilentools oder aber Freeware für Windows.
Alle genannten Programme gehören nicht(!) zum Umfang von MS Windows.
Befehl | neroaactag |
Name | Nero MPEG-4 Audio Tagger |
Kurzbeschreibung | schreibt Metadaten in ein AAC-File |
Autor | m4a |
Webseite | Nero AG |
Lizenz | |
Syntax | ************************************************************* * * * Nero MPEG-4 Audio Tagger * * Copyright 2009 Nero AG * * All Rights Reserved Worldwide * * * * Package build date: Dec 17 2009 * * Package version: * * * * See -help for a complete list of available parameters. * * * ************************************************************* Usage: neroAacTag.exe <file.mp4> <command> [<command> [<command> ...]] Available commands: -list-meta : Lists existing metadata entries. -meta:<name>=<value> : Sets specified metadata field to specified value. Eg. -meta:artist="Pink Floyd" -meta-user:<name>=<value> : Sets specified metadata field to specified value. Allows non-standard metadata fields to be added. WARNING: fields added using -meta-user are not guaranteed to be read back on all Nero Digital compliant software/hardware. -list-standard-meta : Displays a list of field names usable with -meta command. -list-standard-itunes-meta : Displays a list of iTunes field names. -list-standard-memorystick-meta : Displays a list of iTunes field names. -list-covers : Lists cover art entries. -write-nd-covers : Write cover art also to ND tags. Default is to write only to iTunes tags. -add-cover:<type>:<jpegfile> : Creates a cover art entry from specified JPEG file. <type> specifies type of cover art entry and can be "front" or "back". If specified cover art entry already exists, its contents are overwritten. Eg. -add-cover:back:hello.jpg -dump-cover:<type>:<jpegfile> : Dumps specified cover art entry contents to a JPEG file. -remove-cover:<type> : Removes specified cover art entry. -remove-cover:all : Removes all cover art entries. -list-chapters : Lists chapters present in the file. -chapter:<number> : Sets chapter index metadata edits apply to. Value of 0 (default state) applies edits to all present chapters. Also affects -list-meta output. -chapters-to-tracknumbers : Generates track number metadata according to the chapter list. -help : Show this help screen |
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