AMC player
Axels Multi Channel player

player gui


AMC player is a web based html5 audio player.
There are tons of html5 players around. The focus of this one is the handling of audio media in stereo and 5.1 surround of a song and switch between them. But it works with stereo only audios too :-)

It is pure javascript and independent from any javascript framework.

  • API access
  • skins
  • multi language support
  • examples are included in the download

GNU GPL v 3.0

The project is hosted on Github: amcplayer



The player works on html5 Browsers.
It means: it will run on current Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. If you use an Internet Explorer version 9 is required.

Javascript must be enabled.

Use it in a website. If you embed it in a static html file opened with "file://" all player functionalities work. But the icons in the player buttons are available only if the player is used in a website and opened with http(s).

Last Updates

  • 2021-08-20: v1.03
    • UPDATE: Drag and drop improvement for Firefox
    • UPDATE: Last clicked player window comes to front
    • UPDATE: Moved window gets a bit transparent


The following audios are linked to my website They are free for non commercial usage (license: cc 3.0 - by-nc-sa).
Axels songs

To start press any of the play buttons below or click the orange link "Player" on the bottom side ...

Let's Play
Lift Control
Give me a BIT more

Copyright © 2012-2024 Axel Hahn
project page: Sourceforge (en)
GitHub (en)
Axels Webseite (de)
results will be here