Table of Contents
Code examples
In your application for caching and cleanup you need the file cache.class.php only (which is in the folder src). Copy it into your classes folder.
Typical usage: TTL
Example using expiration (ttl value):
$iTtl=60*5; // 5 min
$myCache=new AhCache("my-app","task-id");
if($myCache->isExpired()) {
// cache does not exist or is expired
// save cache
$myCache->write($sContent, $iTtl);
} else {
// read cached data
// output
echo $sContent;
Typical usage: Reference file
Sometimes the cache depends on a local source file.
As an example: A thumbnail image depends on its original image.
You can set a refernece file in the write method as 3rd param (or by setRefFile(<file>)
). The method isExpired()
knows if a ttl or a reference file was set.
Here is a snippet.
$myCache=new AhCache("my-app","task-id");
if($myCache->isExpired()) {
// cache does not exist or is expired
// save cache
$myCache->write($sContent, null, $sRefFile);
} else {
// read cached data
// output
echo $sContent;
Cleanup cache directory
// delete all Cachefiles of the module "my-app" older 1 day
$o=new AhCache("my-app");
// or cleanup cachefiles of all modules
$o=new Cache(); $o->cleanup(60*60*24*1);
When is a cache invalid?
Let’s have a closer look…
Since version 2.4 a file will be generated on module level: [cache-dir]/[module]/remove_me_to_make_caches_invalid
If you delete this file - i.e. with an SFTP client after connecting to your hoster - then all cached entries for the given module (this feature works per module only) will be invalid.
This file will be recreated on the next cache usage.
This is a fast and strong method to let expire all cache entries. This overrides given TTL values and reference files.