For a first basic intro go to Get Started
You can influence several behaviours.
They way to do this is using an option array. With pre defined keys
you can override the internal defaults.
<script> var aOptions = { // put settings to override here (...) }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
All override settings can be mixed.
<script> var aOptions = { 'checks': { ... }, 'lang': { ... } }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
The default text is in english. You can override the default texts.
The key in the options hash is "lang".
<script> var aOptions = { 'lang': { [Name of subkey]: [your text] // string }, }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
There is a intro text (Check of the password - matching requirements: 0)
and one text for each check (they have the same keys like the checks).
The existing keys for texts are:
Key | Check | Default |
introtext | Pre text before boxes for each check | |
lcase | lower case character; a-z | |
ucase | upper case character; A-Z | |
digits | digits; characters 0-9 | |
special | special characters; everything that is not a letter a-z/ A-Z or a digit 0-9 | |
count | count of characters |
What you already see in the table above: there are some pre defined placeholders.
Key | Description |
[COUNT] | Count of detected characters in a check. In the introtext it is the count of fullfilled required checks |
[REQUIRED] | Count of required characters in a check; remark: you can override it for each check |
[SCORE] | score value; available in introtext only |
As an example: use German texts and show the the required chars for each check.
<script> var aOptions = { 'lang': { 'introtext': 'Check des Passwortes - erfüllte Bedingungen: [COUNT]/ [REQUIRED]', 'lcase': 'Kleinbuchstaben (min [REQUIRED]): [COUNT]', 'ucase': 'Grossbuchstaben (min [REQUIRED]): [COUNT]', 'digits': 'Ziffern (min [REQUIRED]): [COUNT]', 'special': 'Sonderzeichen (min [REQUIRED]): [COUNT]', 'count': 'Zeichen (min [REQUIRED]): [COUNT]' }, var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
The is styled with pure css. It must be additionally defined in your css.
Css class | Description |
#outpwcheck | your own wrapping box |
#outpwcheck .divCheck | box for each check inside the wrapping div |
#outpwcheck .divCheck.checkok | mark a box for a check with fullfilled requirements |
<style> #outpwcheck{border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 0.3em 1em;} #outpwcheck .divCheck{float: left; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 0px solid #ccc; border-left: 1em solid #ccc; padding: 0.1em 0.5em; } #outpwcheck .divCheck.checkok{background:#cfc; border-left-color: #080; color:#040} </style>
Each single check can have zero, one or more required characters. (zero means disabled - it is not recommended).
The key in the options hash is "checks".
Each check has its own subkey - and there is a key "required".
<script> var aOptions = { 'checks': { [Name of the check]:{ 'required': 1 // integer for count of required chars } } }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
The existing checks are:
Key | Check | Default |
lcase | lower case character; a-z | required: |
ucase | upper case character; A-Z | required: |
digits | digits; characters 0-9 | required: |
special | special characters; everything that is not a letter a-z/ A-Z or a digit 0-9 | required: |
count | count of characters | required: |
If you want to check for a password with minimum length of 12 (key "count") and it should contain 4 upper case letters (key "ucase"):
<script> var aOptions = { 'checks': { 'ucase':{ 'required': 4 }, 'count':{ 'required': 12 } } }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
The scoring is a float value between 0..1. It says how many requirements
were fulfilled in a given password. It depends on the number of checks, their
required count (see "Customize checks" above) and a weight for each check.
Important to say:
Here is no check for dictionary words, simple sequences (i.e. "abc" or "qwer").
So the score is NOT the measurement for the real strength of a given password.
<script> var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(); // some tests ... alert(oPwCheck.getScore("aB1"); // ... not enough chars; no special char alert(oPwCheck.getScore("aB1:3"); // ... one special char but still not enough chars; alert(oPwCheck.getScore("aaaaaaaaaaaa"); // ... enough chars but of a single character alert(oPwCheck.getScore("abcabc123..."); // ... no capital letter alert(oPwCheck.getScore("abcABC123..."); // </script>
The key in the options hash is "checks".
Each check has its own subkey - and there is a key "weight". A weight is
value greater equal 0. It represents the relative weight for each of
the checkitem.
<script> var aOptions = { 'checks': { [Name of the check]:{ 'weight': 1 // float value >= 0 } } }; var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions); </script>
The existing checks and their weights are:
Key | Check | Default |
lcase | lower case character; a-z | weight: |
ucase | upper case character; A-Z | weight: |
digits | digits; characters 0-9 | weight: |
special | special characters; everything that is not a letter a-z/ A-Z or a digit 0-9 | weight: |
count | upper case character | weight: |
With the callback option you can react on changes in the password field.
In the example below a function called "mycallback()" is defined.
This function must exist.
<span id="outscore"></span> <script> var aOptions = { 'callback': 'mycallback()' }; /** * custom callback function */ function mycallback(){ var sPassword=document.getElementById('ePassword').value; document.getElementById('outscore').innerHTML=oPwCheck.getScore(sPassword); } var oPwCheck = new ahpwcheck(aOptions);'ePassword', 'outpwcheck'); </script>