
The Pimped Apache status has a command line tool.
It was written to be used for manipulating the config settings in automated installations (Ansible, Puppet or others) and in scripts.

It is located in the ./bin/ subdirectory.
With it you can ...

  • list default settings
  • create/ read/ update/ delete custom values of all program settings
  • create/ read/ update/ delete groups and servers

The response is mostly an array and is shown in JSON syntax.
Additionally there are some lines starting with ";" (semikolon). You need to filter those lines to remove them.

on *NIX systems:

config.php [parameters ...] | grep -v "^;"

or on MS Windows:

php config.php [parameters ...] | findstr /v ";.*\n"

The exitcodes are typically ...
- 0 (zero) - if the command was successful
- non zero - if an error occured.

Show help

Calling it without parameter it shows a help.

Pimped apache status :: CLI
Starting config.php without parameter shows a help page.

Handle default settings

The shipped default settings are read only. So only the action read is allowed.
You will need this to read the valid names of the default config keys to add them as custom values. See the next chapter.

Next to the action you need to add the parameter --defaults (or -d) to identify the type of data to handle. This is an parameter with optional value.

--defaults (without value) addresses all values.
--defaults=[varname] addresses a given value (subitem) to show.

Read defaults

read all default values

config.php --action read --defaults


config.php -a read -d

The response is an array and is shown in JSON syntax.

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read all default settings:
    "auth": {
        "user": "admin",
        "password": false
    "autoreload": [
    "checkupdate": 86400,
    "datatableOptions": {
        "bPaginate": false,
        "bLengthChange": false,
        "bFilter": true,
        "bSort": true,
        "bAutoWidth": false,
        "bStateSave": true,
        "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
        "oLanguage": "__LANG__"

read a given default variable

Add a valid config key name behind --defaults=(...).

Example: Get selectLang - it contains the selectable frontend languages of the web gui as an array.

config.php --action read --defaults='selectLang'


config.php -a read -d='selectLang'

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read default settings [selectLang]:
; DESCRIPTION of [selectLang]:
; Selectable languages

The config keys are case sensitive.
If you enter a wrong key you get an error message:

ERROR: a varname [your-entered-name] does not exist in the config.

Example: Get lang - it contains the current frontend language of the web gui as a string.

config.php --action read --defaults='lang'


config.php -a read -d='lang'

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read default settings [lang]:
; DESCRIPTION of [lang]:
; Currently active default language

Create, update, delete defaults

The shipped default settings are read only. Other actions than read are NOT ALLOWED.
You will get an error message.

config.php -a delete -d='whatever'
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
ERROR: Wrong action. Default values are read only but you can override them by using a custom setting.
 --action add --config=whatever

Handle custom settings

The shipped default settings are read only. To override them there is an additional config that holds the overrides of each wanted setting.
The custom settings contain those overrides.

You will need this to read the valid names of the default config keys to add them as custom values. See the previous chapter.

Next to the action you need to add the parameter --config (or -c) to identify the type of data to handle. This is an parameter with optional value.

--config (without value) addresses all values.
--config=[varname] addresses a given (sub)item.

--value [value of the item] sets a value (in the actions create and update).

Create custom item

The basic syntax is

config.php --action create --config=[varname] --value [...]


config.php -a create -c=[varname] -v [...]


  • As varname you need to know the correct config key. Fetch it by reading the default settings.
  • You can create custom items only if the default config key exists too. Otherwise you get an error for a unknown key.
  • You can create a custom item only if it does not exist yet. For existing custom values you need to use the action update
  • Behind value set an integer or string. If you change an array value then use JSON syntax to describe the data.

Example: set frontend language to German with adding key lang and the string "de" as value

config.php --action create --config=lang --value de


config.php -a create -c=lang -v de

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; create custom var [lang]:
; default: "en"
; your value: "de"
; DESCRIPTION of [lang]:
; Currently active default language

Read custom settings

read all existing custom values

config.php --action read --config


config.php -a read -c

The response is an array and is shown in JSON syntax.

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read all custom settings:

read a given custom variable

Add a valid config key name behind --config=(...).

Example: Get lang - it contains the current frontend language of the web gui as a string.

config.php --action read --config='lang'


config.php -a read -c='lang'

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read custom settings [lang]:
; DESCRIPTION of [lang]:
; Currently active default language

Update custom item

The syntax of the update action is similiar to the create action.

config.php --action update --config=[varname] --value [new value]


config.php -a update -c=[varname] -v [new value]

Example: Update lang - with language key "de".

config.php --action update --config=lang --value de

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; update custom var [lang]:
; current custom value: "de"
; new value: "de"
; DESCRIPTION of [lang]:
; Currently active default language


  • As varname you need to know the correct config key. Fetch it by reading all custom settings.
  • You can update custom items only if it already exists: it must be created first.

Delete custom item

With deleting a custom config setting you remove the override value. The program then will use the default value.

The basic syntax is

config.php --action delete --config=[varname]


config.php -a delete -c=[varname]


  • As varname you need to know the correct config key. Fetch it by reading all custom settings.
  • You can delete custom items only if it already exists.

Handle groups and servers

You can create groups and add servers there. So you can watch a loadbalances website or all servers of a project.
As minimum there must be 1 group.

Below each group you can add as many servers you want.

--+-- group-1
  |    |
  |    +-- server-1-1
  |    |    |
  |    |    +-- settings of server-1-1
  |    |
  |    +-- server-1-2
  |         |
  |         +-- settings of server-1-2
  +-- group-N
       +-- server-N-1
       |    |
       |    +-- settings of server-N-1
       +-- server-N-M
            +-- settings of server-N-M

Next to the action you need to add the parameter --group (or -g) to identify a group. This is an parameter with optional value.

--group (without value) addresses all servers.
--group=[name] addresses a given group.

--server [hostname] addresses a hostname below a group (--group=[name]).


Create a new group

The basic syntax is

config.php --action create --group=[name]


config.php -a create -g=[name]

Example: let's create a group for a loadbalanced webseite named lb-website...

config.php --action create --group='lb-website'
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; create group [lb-website]:
    "result": true


  • You can create a group only if it does not exist yet.

Create a new server

The basic syntax is

config.php --action create --group=[name] --server [hostname] --status-url [url] --userpwd [user:password]


config.php -a create -g=[name] -s [hostname] -u [url] -p [user:password]


  • You can create a server only if it does not exist yet. For existing server data you need to use the action update

Example: add a new server serverA and serverB with a server-status-url...

config.php --action create --group='lb-website' --server serverA --status-url https://server-a/server-status
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; create server [lb-website] -> [serverA]:
; host data: {"group":"lb-website","label":"serverA","status-url":"https:\/\/server-a\/server-status","userpwd":false}
    "result": true

... and as 2nd command

config.php --action create --group='lb-website' --server serverB --status-url https://server-b/server-status
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; create server [lb-website] -> [serverB]:
; host data: {"group":"lb-website","label":"serverB","status-url":"https:\/\/server-b\/server-status","userpwd":false}
    "result": true


read all existing groups

config.php --action read --group


config.php -a read -g

The response is an array and is shown in JSON syntax.

; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read existing groups:
    "my default environment"

read a given group

Add a valid group name behind --group=(...).

Example: Read the group lb-website.

config.php --action read --group='lb-website'


config.php -a read -g='lb-website'
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read servernames of group [lb-website]:
; Hint: use as additional param --server '[NAME]' to show its settings.

read server settings

Next to the group you need to add a server name.

The basic syntax is

config.php --action create --group=[name] --server [hostname]


config.php -a create -g=[name] -s [hostname]

Example: Show the server serverA of group lb-website.

config.php --action read --group='lb-website' --server serverA


config.php -a read -g='lb-website' -s serverA
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; read server [lb-website] -> [serverA]:
    "label": "serverA",
    "status-url": "http:\/\/serverA\/server-status",
    "userpwd": ""


Rename group

For renaming use --newname to set a new name.
The basic syntax is

config.php --action update --group=[name] --newname [new group name]


config.php -a update -g=[name] -n [new group name]

The group name must exist.
The new group name must NOT exist.

Rename server

For renaming use --newname to set a new name.
The basic syntax is

config.php --action update --group=[name] --server [hostname] --newname [new hostname]


config.php -a update -g=[name] -s [hostname] -n [new hostname]

The group -> hostname must exist.
The new hostname must NOT exist.

Update server data

The syntax of the update action is similiar to the create action.

--status-url sets a new server status url
--userpwd sets a new user and password for basic authentication

If you do not use --status-url or --userpwd then its value will be updated to false.

config.php --action update --group=[name] --server [hostname] --status-url [url] --userpwd [user:password]


config.php -a update -g=[name] -s [hostname] -u [url] -p [user:password]

Example: Update status-url - with adding ".local" next to the hostname

config.php --action update --group='lb-website' --server serverA --status-url https://server-a.local /server-status
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; update server [lb-website] -> [serverA]:
; host data: {"group":"lb-website","oldlabel":"serverA","label":"serverA","status-url":"https:\/\/server-a.local\/server-status","userpwd":false}
    "result": true


  • As varname you need to know the correct config key. Fetch it by reading all custom settings.
  • You can update custom items only if it already exists: it must be created first.


The basic syntax is

config.php --delete --group=[name] [--server [hostname]]


config.php -a create -g=[name] [-s [hostname]]

Delete a server

To delete a server from a group follow the basic syntax and set a group AND a hostname.

Example: Delete serverB from group lb-website

config.php --action delete --group='lb-website' --server serverB
; C L I  configurator :: Pimped Apache Status
; delete server [lb-website] -> [serverB]:
    "result": true

Delete a group

To delete a group set the group name only without a server.

config.php --delete --group=[name]


config.php -a create -g=[name]

WARNING: This command will delete a group even if it contains servers.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Axel Hahn
project page: GitHub (en)
Axels Webseite (de)

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