List of all functions in alphabetic order


show a waiting text after a demo
🔹 param  string  optional: custom text; default: "End of this demo. Press Return ..."

line: 200


Render a fake shell prompt
👉🏼 see cdm.sethost to set a different host
👉🏼 see cdm.setuser to set a different user
👉🏼 see cdm.setpath to set a fixed path to hide real path

line: 117


Write a remark in the console
🟩 param string  text to show

line: 137

Run a command: it renders a prompt, types the command and executes it.
You get the output of it and see the return code
👉🏼 see to run any command without the fake prompt
🟩 param  string  command to execute

line: 147


Parse a script and execute it from a generated temp file
🟩 param  string  path to script
🔹 param  string  optional: to debug set a non empty string

line: 229


Set a host name for the prompt
🟩 param  string  new host name; default is "tux-client"

line: 53


Set a fixed path for the prompt to hide the current location
🟩 param  string  new path name; default is "" (=dynamicly written current dir)

line: 59


Set a user name for the prompt
🟩 param  string  new user name; default is "user"

line: 65


Set waiting time after finishing the prompt and before command execution 
🟩 param  float  new wait time in sec, eg 2.5; default is '' (=interactive return)

line: 71

Run a command without prompt
You get the output of it
🟩 param  string  command to execute

line: 175


Wait for N seconds and show a progress bar while waiting
Use this to show that the program is still running but needs to wait a fixed
amount of time.
🟩 param  integer  new wait time in sec

line: 79


Randomly delayed typing of a given text
Dealy time is random between 0.0 and 0.250 sec
🟩 param string text

line: 182

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