Table of Contents

Show help

Call the script with the parameter -h to see the help.

         GENERATE BASH HELP AS MARKDOWN                                  ______
________________________________________________________________________/ v0.7

    Author: Axel Hahn
    License: GNU GPL 3.0
    Source: <>
    Docs: <>

    Parse a bash file, detect its functions and generate a markdown output 
    from its doc blocks.



    -h  show this help
    -f  list functions only
    -p  show functions starting with underscore ('private' functions) too

    -l [LEVEL]
        level of starting headline; default: 2; valid numbers: 1..5
    -r [REPOURL]
        url to the git repository without basename of the file to read; 
        default: none
    -s [FUNCTION]
        Show help of a single function only; maybe you wanna call -f first

EXAMPLES: myscript.bash
        show full markdown help for the given script -l 3 -f myscript.bash
        list functions in alphabetic order starting with headline level 3 -s myfunction myscript.bash
        show bash doc of the function 'myfunction' of script 'myscript.bash'


Generate a md file

You can have look to the file scripts/ This generates the markdown file for all functions for a list of given scripts.

Copy it to your project and adapt it.