
The script is useful in the context of the current desktop user only. It is highly recommended to extract the script as the user you logged in on desktop - not as root.

Get the files


Go to any directory and start

git clone

This creates the subdir “dsf”.

OR: Zip archive


After the installation you have such a filestructure:

|-- docs
|-- profiles
|   `-- .gitkeep

Execute it from everywhere

Type echo $PATH to see current directories of executed files without naming its path. In one of these directories create a wrapper file.

In this example I create a file below my $HOME/bin. with a simple cat command that redirects to my new file. The wrapper contains 2 lines

  • the shebang and
  • the full path of the bash script … followed by $*.
> cat >/home/axel/bin/dsf
[Installdir]/ $*

Then you need to make the file executable.

> chmod 750 /home/axel/bin/dsf

Finally: test it. By typing dsf in the terminal you get a short output suggesting the parameter -h.