Table of Contents
Config file
The main config file is ./config/repos.json
top level
On top level is a genral index page information:
- title - {string} main page title
- descr - {string} some intro text
- inject - {hash} html codes you can inject to the index page or all documentation files in head or body
- replacements - {hash} define replacements
- sections - {hash} a key for an array of groups
2nd level - inject
inject can contain the subkeys:
- idx_body - {string} html code at the end of the body of index page
- idx_head - {string} html code at the end of the html head of index page
- doc_body - {string} html code at the end of the body of each documentation page
- doc_head - {string} html code at the end of the html head of each documentation page
In those keys you can add functionality that are independent from a template, eg. website tracking with Matomo.
2nd level - replacements
replacements is an array of replacements. You can define es many replacements you want.
replace all between 2 markers
Each array value can contain the subkeys:
- from - {string} identifier for start
- to - {string} identifier for end
- content - {array} array items are single lines to insert between the markers
Only the first occurance will be replaced.
In your markdown you should use html comments (which are invisible in html output) and set a specific starting and ending marker.
whatever here is ... it will be removed by the content value
For the replacement set in the repos.json:
"replacements": [
"from": "<!-- START-EXAMPLE-MARKER -->",
"to": "<!-- END-EXAMPLE-MARKER -->",
"content": [
"Here is line 1 to insert between the markers.",
"Here is line 2 to insert between the markers."
string search and replace
- search - {string} search string
- content - {string} replacement
All occurances of the search string will be replaced.
For the replacement set in the repos.json:
"replacements": [
"search": "[PLACEHOLDER_1]",
"content": "I am the real value. "
"search": "[PLACEHOLDER_2]",
"content": "I am something else. "
2nd level - sections
sections contains
- group - {string} the name of a group
- descr - {string} some intro text
- items - {hash} a key for an array of projects/ docs
3rd level - sections -> # -> items
An object in sections->[number]->items describes a single documentation of a product or process. You need one of the keys:
- repo - {string} url to a git repo with https:// protocol; it will be cloned in ./tmp/ and Daux will be used to generate its docs below public_html/[NAME]
- docurl - {śtring} optional: absolute url to an external doc page
- subdir - {string} static, already existing subdir in public_html to be added in index too
Remark: If a “repo” url or a given “subdir” does not exist then won’t appear in the index page.
Next to repo|subdir there are default values that will be overrided by ./tmp/[PROJECT]/docs/config.json.
- title - {string} title of a project
- descr - {string} description of a project
- author - {string} author
Example repo.json
Example with 2 groups and some entries. The 2nd group “PHP” has one project using overrides.
"title": "Axels Open source docs",
"descr": "Docs of my tools...",
"inject": {
"idx_body": "<!-- script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"functions.js\" defer=\"defer\"></script -->",
"idx_head": "<!-- no inject idx_head -->",
"doc_body": "<!-- script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/docs/functions.js\" defer=\"defer\"></script -->",
"doc_head": "<!-- no inject doc_head -->"
"replacements": [
"from": "<!-- START-ADD-TTY-PLAYER -->",
"to": "<!-- END-ADD-TTY-PLAYER -->",
"content": [
" <script src=/docs/addons/ttyrec/webcomponents-lite.min.js></script>",
" <link rel=stylesheet href=/docs/addons/ttyrec/tty-player.css>",
" <script src=/docs/addons/ttyrec/term.min.js></script>",
" <script src=/docs/addons/ttyrec/tty-player.min.js></script>",
"search": "[SOMETHING]",
"content": "I am the replacement. "
"group": "Bash",
"descr": "Shellscript based stuff",
"subdir": "manuell_1",
"title": "Static dir 1",
"descr": "A Non-Daux-Doc",
"author": "John Doe"
{"repo": ""},
{"repo": ""}
"group": "PHP",
"descr": "Projects written in PHP",
"repo": "",
"title": "IML Appmonitor",
"descr": "Axels Multidoc generator",
"author": "Axels Hahn"