Class axelhahn\ReplaceTags




public __construct


Parameters: 1 (required: 0)

Parameter Type Description
<optional> string $sTagfile = ‘’ string optional: filename of a custom tagfile

Return: boolean *

public addTag

add a tag for replacement

Parameters: 2 (required: 2)

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $sTag string Keyword for replacement
<required> string $sReplace string Text to replace

Return: bool

public doReplace

Replace the tags in a given text according to the tags-array

Parameters: 2 (required: 1)

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $line string the text we want to process
<optional> int $iRuns = 1 int optional: repeats; default: 1 run

Return: string

public dump

Show all defined tags

Parameters: 0 (required: 0)

Return: void

public getTags

Return all defined tags

Parameters: 0 (required: 0)

Return: array

public readTagfile

read the taglist, parse it and create a tag array

Parameters: 1 (required: 0)

Parameter Type Description
<optional> string $sTagfile = ‘’ string optional: filename of a custom tagfile

Return: bool

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