
  • Prepare a set of cli commands and show tested command sets in a presentation
  • … or record a set of commands using ttyrec or similar tools
  • Store your commands in a file - it looks like a normal shell script. And can contain special functions cdm.<function> for some special commands
  • The macrofile runs in a shell session. If you set a variable
  • Next to the “visible prompt” you can execute any command invisibly too - to set variables, create directories, whatever is needed

Fake terminal

  • The shown terminal prompt during the demo is faked to show a neutral user and host - and it can be customized
  • An executed command is typed with a random delay
  • After typing a command it waits for an interactive return or a given max. wait time

Execute commands

  • You get the output of an executed shell command
  • In an extra line there is the return code

CLI scripts

Next to the bash functions there are bash scripts with command line suppport to execute prepared makros or to record them.