Table of Contents
Config file
To create a custom configuration file copy cronwrapper.cfg.dist to cronwrapper.cfg.
For local running cronjobs and watching their status by there is no real need to touch it.
If you want to use a sync of a changed logfile with then you need to watch the lower section.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CRONWRAPPER * config
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----- shared values:
# ----- for cronwrapper
# deny multiple execution of the same job? set 0 or 1
# directory with hooks
# ----- for sync of local logs
CW_TOUCHFILE=lastsync$( hostname -f )
# force rsync even if no change was found - time in sec
# disallow hosts that have no domain in hostname -f; set 0 or 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the execution of all cronjobs on the server there is just one variable to define a place where to store output files.
Variable | type | description |
CW_LOGDIR | string | Ouput dir of all logfiles when using cronwrapper. It is used by status script and sync script to read data from here. Default: “/var/tmp/cronlogs” |
CW_SINGLEJOB | int | 0 or 1; 1=deny multiple execution of the same job (default) |
CW_HOOKDIR | string | set an absolute directory to the hooks directory; use it if you use a created a softlink for the cronwrapper to /usr/local/bin and want to point to the real install directory; default: ./hooks; changing it is not needed |
For an optional rsync script to collect all logs of all servers on a central server (see Cronlog-Sync):
Variable | type | description |
CW_TOUCHFILE | string | sync: filename of touch file to mark a timestamp of the last sync (created in in $CW_LOGDIR); eg. “lastsync” |
CW_TARGET | string | ssh target where to sync files from $LOGFILE with sshuser@targethost:/path Default:\$( hostname -f ) |
CW_SSHKEY | string | filename to ssh private key to connect passwordless to $TARGET |
CW_SYNCAFTER | int | time in sec; default: 3600 (1h); time before syncing the logdir even if it has noch change |
CW_REQUIREFQDN | int | 0 or 1; block sync if hostname -f has no FQDN |
Environment file
In a environment file you can set a pre defined shell environment for all your cronwrapper cronjobs. This is completely optional. Just keep in mind that the possibility exist if it is needed once.
To create a custom environment file copy cronwrapper.env.dist to cronwrapper.env. The file needs read permissions for all users (0644).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CRONWRAPPER * environment
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# export PATH=$PATH:...
# umask 0022
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------