Quickstart Guide


Git clone the repository in /opt

cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/axelhahn/cronwrapper.git

First test run

Let’s start a simple command like ls:
/opt/cronwraper/cronwrapper.sh 1 ls

There was no output - because this is what we want in linux cronjobs.

  • To see the status for all cronjobst start /opt/cronwraper/cronstatus.sh.
  • Details you see with /opt/cronwraper/cronstatus.sh ls
  • Wait for 1..2 min and run /opt/cronwraper/cronstatus.sh ls again: Now you see that the execution was successful but the TTL was reached and shows an error.

Edit a cronjob

Edit a cronjob in crontab -e or as root a file in /etc/cron.d/:

  • add “/opt/cronwrapper/cronwrapper.sh” and TTL in [min] before the existing command.
  • The command must be a parameter - if it contains spaces to use parameters, you need to quote it
  • remove the redirect to a file.
  • Example:
    Rewrite an existing cronjob
  • Check /opt/cronwraper/cronstatus.sh after jor job was executed