Class axelhahn\phpclassparser


@author axelhahn
@license GNU GPL 3.0

@source <>

2024-07-15 v0.1 axelhahn initial version




public __construct

Constructs a new instance of the class.

Parameters: 1 (required: 0)

Parameter Type Description
<optional> string $sClassname = ‘’ string optional: The name of the class. Default is an empty string.


public getClassInfos

Parameters: 0 (required: 0)

Return: array

public getMethods

Get a hash of methods with its type, parameters, phpdoc infos

Parameters: 1 (required: 0)

Parameter Type Description
<optional> $bPublicOnly = true string * flag: public only methods or all; default: true (=only public methods)

Return: array

public getProperties

Get a hash of properties with its type, phpdoc infos, default value, attributes, etc.

Parameters: 1 (required: 0)

Parameter Type Description
<optional> $bPublicOnly = true bool * flag: public only properties or all; default: true (=only public properties)

Return: array

public setClassFile

Sets the class file to be analyzed. It will detect namespace and class name to initialize the class.

Parameters: 1 (required: 1)

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $file string The path to the class file.

Return: string|bool

public setClassname

Set a classname. You can use that method directly if the class file was loaded before. Or use setClassFile() to load the class file and detect the classname. @see setClassFile()

Parameters: 1 (required: 1)

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $sClassname string classname to access for doc generation

Return: void

Generated with Axels PHP class doc parser.