Change output

The rendering output is based on the templates in ./config/md/.

To change the output copy the folder “md” inside the config directory, eg “md_custom”. In your copy you can edit all templates. To use your template use the parameter --out md_custom when calling the parser.

Template files

  • index.tpl
    main template for a doc page

There you see placeholders like {{<name>}} for values and {{<file.tpl>}} to include another template (which is quite static).

Other (required) templates are:

  • properties.tpl
    Renders properties
  • methods.tpl
    Renders methods … and includes
    • parameters.tpl
      Render section for parameters (if parameter count of a metho d is > 0) … and
      • parameter.tpl
        To shoe a single parameter of a method.

Remark: there is no template engine. All these 5 files must exist if you create your own output format.

Values in template files