Table of Contents
Cheat sheet
Database object
method | returns | description |
$oDB->setDatabase(ARRAY) | {bool} | create a PDO connection |
$oDB->driver() | {string} | name of the database driver, eg “sqlite”, “mysql” |
$oDB->showTables() | {array} | show existing tables |
$oDB->tableExists(TABLE) | {bool} | check if a table exists |
$oDB->makeQuery(SQL, DATA, TABLE) | {array} | Execute a given query and add metadata to log |
$oDB->dump() | {bool} | get an array of all tables and their rows |
$oDB->import() | {bool} | import a given export file |
$oDB->optimize() | {array} | optimize database; its actions depend on the database type |
$oDB->setDebug(BOOL) | {bool} | enable/ disable debugging |
$oDB->showErrors(BOOL) | {bool} | enable/ disable showing errors |
$oDB->error() | {string} | get the last error |
$oDB->lastquery(BOOL) | {array} | get an array of last query; if true, then it returns the last db error entry |
$oDB->logs() | {array} | get an array of all log messages (errors and others) |
$oDB->queries() | {array} | get an array of all queries |
Item object
method | returns | description |
$o->new() | {bool} | create a blank new item |
$o->get(KEY) | {variant} | get a single attribute |
$o->getItem() | {variant} | get current item as array |
$o->set(KEY, VALUE) | {bool} | set a single attribute |
$o->setItem(ARRAY) | {bool} | set an array as item |
$o->create() | {bool} | store a newly created item into database |
$o->read(ID,[FLAG]) | {bool} | read attribute with ID from database; you can read relations or use relRead() later |
$o->update() | {bool} | update an existing item in the database |
$o->delete() | {bool} | delete current item in the database |
$o->delete(ID) | {bool} | delete item with given ID in the database |
$o->relCreate(TABLE, ID) | {bool} | create a relation between current item and an id of another table |
$o->relRead(FILTER) | {array} | get relations of the current item; FILTER is an optional array with keys “table” and optional “column” |
$o->relUpdate(RELID, ID) | {bool} | Update a single relation from current item - set another id of the currently connected object. |
$o->relDelete(RELID) | {bool} | delete a single relation of the current item |
$o->relDeleteAll() | {bool} | delete all relation of the current item |
$o->relDeleteAll(ID) | {bool} | delete all relation of given item |
$o->getRelLabel(COLUMN) | {string} | for 1:1 lookups: get the label of the item in the related lookup table |
$o->flush() | {bool} | DANGEROUS: delete all items of the current object type by dropping its table |
$o->save() | {bool} | selects automatically create() or update() to store an item |
$o->search(ARRAY) | {array} | search in objects |
$o->count() | {integer} | get count of existing items for the current item type |
$o->getAttributes() | {array} | get list of attributes |
$o->getDescriptionline() | {string} | get name string built from main columns |
$o->getLabel() | {string} | get name string built from first of main columns (eg. label) |
$o->getTable() | {string} | get name of database table for current object |
$o->hasChange() | {bool} | check if the current item was changed after applying set() or setItem() |
$o->id() | {integer} | get id of current item |
$o->verifyColumns() | {array} | verify object definitions with created databse columns |
$o->getFormtype(KEY) | {string} | get count of existing items for the current item type |