
Objects without sql

I wanted to write a database class that can handle any object with its custom properties. My objects should just set a value and store it.

Like that:


$o->set('label', 'my label'); // set properties
$o->set('description', 'This is a nice description.');

$o->save(); // store to database

All needed database actions are handled in a base class. All objects just extend it.

Debugging, logging

On top is a database class that handles database queries, logging, debugging and performance data.


There is a global relation table that links all objects. This link is transparent for both objects.


This is the result of this project:

flowchart TD A(database class):::orange --- B(class with abstract object actions):::orange B -..- |extends| C1[your object 1]:::gray B -..- |extends| C2[your object 2]:::gray B -..- |extends| C3[your object N]:::gray B -.- |extends| D[Relations]:::orange classDef orange fill:#ec8,stroke:#a92 classDef gray fill:#eee,stroke:#aaa