The main class abstracts CRUD actions to handle items of a custom object.


  • creates a database table per object automatically when using it; colums come from given properties during init
  • provides CRUD actions with the methods create() / read(ID) / update / delete() - you don’t need to handle sql for your custom objects.
  • save() automatically decides to use create() or update()


  • handles relations between objects
  • N:M relations are stored in a separate table - a relation can be seen from both sides

Logging / debugging

  • you can access a list of messages/ warnings/ errors
  • you can acces all executed queries with statement, affected rows, needed time etc.


  • detect changes in object definitions that do not match database column settings
  • dump and import for backup+restore / repair / transfer to other database
  • This is a non visual component. If you need a web ui to edit your data have look to